We Used to Read Personal Blogs

I am typing this post while sitting on the couch watching my kid play another New Game + playthrough of Spider-Man 2. Recently, I have been thinking about how I want to show up online now that I have retired from live-streaming. Should I keep posting the occasional news article or make time for more reviews? Maybe shut it all down? The thought that consistently returns most for me is to return to where it all started.

I am talking about 20 years ago when it started before I knew about Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, when I brain-dumped whatever, whenever I felt.

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Looking Ahead

The plan for 2024 is shaping up to be a significant refocus on only a few platforms and stop trying to be everywhere all the time. My time is limited, and I need to be more aware of this to stop chasing trends and the hot new thing.

  1. Threads / Instagram for social media.
  2. YouTube for video and streaming.
  3. This site is for written content.

I miss writing for this blog. I am going to focus on gaming content and news again. Expect to see gaming news, commentary, and reviews returning next week. This content was always the goal for the blog, and I want to make it a reality. It

I am excited about the future and making it work for the long term.

Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen

I lost my way when it comes to creating things for video. TikTok, Reels, and YouTube have all distracted me from what I enjoy creating – 300-word blog posts.

The pace of YouTube content I made in June was too much. I can’t keep that up. My goal was a video a week. I ended up with 14 streams, five videos, and eight shorts. It is too much. With my office in shambles due to a home renovation project, the downtime allows me to evaluate much of what I have been doing around gaming, content, and how I want to show up on the internet.

I am old. I have been doing this internet thing for too long. Everything is too fractured, and I am tired. I am settling on some changes and will go with what is easy. My time is limited. I need to respect this limitation.

Blogging returns because I prefer words. YouTube content (at a greatly reduced schedule) is on a break until my office situation is resolved in August. My social media presence is Mastodon and Instagram.

This is it. It is all I can do right now. It is time to stop trying to be everywhere and do a few things to the best of my ability.