How it once was

I have been thinking a lot about the internet from 2005. Some of it is for nostalgia. Much of it is “how did we get here?”

However, the biggest driving factor is how I am tired with what we have now. I long to return to something that feels more in line with my preferred internet experience from years ago.

Personal blogs were once a big part of my day. I loved reading the small insights and peeks into the lives of those I discovered. We shared the things we enjoyed in our own space. But, we eventually gave it up to services which are now using that sharing against us.

We spread ourselves thin trying to be personal brands instead of people. Every new platform taking more from us. We all shared more than we ever did but became more disgruntled about the work required.

It is why I am returning to this blog, renewing my use of RSS, and actively removing myself from a wide swath of the web. The platforms, apps, and services have lost most of my trust. I know I can’t fully separate myself from an online existence, but I can be much more deliberate in my choices.

I am laying the groundwork now for how I want to show up in the months ahead. Personal blogging is a key part to building the presence I want.