A New Routine

Blaugust has already changed my morning. The first few steps remain the same. Get Coffee. Feed the dog. Shower. However, when I sit at my computer, I no longer open a video game first. Instead, go to Mastodon and check out the new posts from others participating in the event.

This is a nice feeling. It motivates me to come here to get some thoughts out of my head before I lose them all to the busyness of my day.

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Blaugust Begins

Welcome to the first official day of Blaugust 2023. It is a time when we can all celebrate blogging as an outlet for our thoughts and the things we enjoy while we build community connections. I have always watched this month and the content created on the periphery – never jumping into the fray. Something changed this year. I felt compelled to take part.

I think this is about starting over.

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When Expectations Meet Reality

Today was rough.

I am typing this post at 7:45 PM on day one of Blaugust. I don’t want to fall behind, but sometimes, days will be like today. I expect a few more as the month goes on.

The kid woke at 4 AM this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. This happens a lot. It has happened throughout their life. These wake-ups are why I can’t commit to a streaming schedule, consistent video creation, or keeping a blog current. It is also why I decided to take the plunge with Blaugust. The purpose is to show me that blogging is the most accessible medium to share what is happening, the things I enjoy, and the news I find helpful.

There will be many more days like today this month. It is a fact of life for me. If evening posts are what I need to do, so be it. I am rusty. Blaugust participation is about the practice – building the writing muscles I used to use so much. This event is thirty-five days of building up my blog and the greater blogging community. I shouldn’t worry too much about the length of each post.

When this is all said and done, maybe I will finally find the words to share more of the day-to-day life as a Dad of a kid with PDA and just why I need to remain a full-time parent. Perhaps this is my real reason for showing up this month.

Also, sorry for no links post this week. We will try again next Sunday.

X means No

When I see the letter X, it reads to me, “Do Not Enter.” It is telling me I am not allowed. X is a sign to go no further. Thanks for finally making it clear to me, Elon.

A smiling cartoon sperm whale being lifted by ropes by eight orange cartoon birds

I understand the Twitter I enjoyed died at the end of October 2022. I moved to Mastodon just over a week later. I returned to posting on the bird site three times. Each time it was to post about Blizzard games. It was about the high of getting the retweets and likes from it and longing for what it used to be for me. I was misguided. The problem came from the fact the place was still there, and it was up to me to say enough.

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Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen

I lost my way when it comes to creating things for video. TikTok, Reels, and YouTube have all distracted me from what I enjoy creating – 300-word blog posts.

The pace of YouTube content I made in June was too much. I can’t keep that up. My goal was a video a week. I ended up with 14 streams, five videos, and eight shorts. It is too much. With my office in shambles due to a home renovation project, the downtime allows me to evaluate much of what I have been doing around gaming, content, and how I want to show up on the internet.

I am old. I have been doing this internet thing for too long. Everything is too fractured, and I am tired. I am settling on some changes and will go with what is easy. My time is limited. I need to respect this limitation.

Blogging returns because I prefer words. YouTube content (at a greatly reduced schedule) is on a break until my office situation is resolved in August. My social media presence is Mastodon and Instagram.

This is it. It is all I can do right now. It is time to stop trying to be everywhere and do a few things to the best of my ability.