X means No

When I see the letter X, it reads to me, “Do Not Enter.” It is telling me I am not allowed. X is a sign to go no further. Thanks for finally making it clear to me, Elon.

A smiling cartoon sperm whale being lifted by ropes by eight orange cartoon birds

I understand the Twitter I enjoyed died at the end of October 2022. I moved to Mastodon just over a week later. I returned to posting on the bird site three times. Each time it was to post about Blizzard games. It was about the high of getting the retweets and likes from it and longing for what it used to be for me. I was misguided. The problem came from the fact the place was still there, and it was up to me to say enough.

Lock the Door Behind You

A few days ago, I locked down my Twitter account. I thought about deleting it, but someone could use the name. I know this is silly, but it is a way for me to have some control over my remaining presence there—a memorial to my time on the app.

I spent over 14 years on Twitter. It was a place that I genuinely loved, and made many friends. I have never taken the proper time to mourn what is lost. Online friends are scattering, communities are breaking, and some need to remain in the place to keep their connections. I will never fault or scorn anyone for staying. However, I only hope they can find a way out before it is too late.

What a strange time it is on the internet.

The options presenting themselves are not meant to replace what was lost. Mastodon will never be Twitter. Threads will never be Twitter. Bluesky will never be Twitter. I have finally accepted that being in more places is not beneficial. I need less in my life.

I also needed this closure for myself.

Thanks for humouring me. Here’s to whatever comes next.

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